World Mission Sunday 2020: Here I am, send me!
Sunday 18th October 2020World Mission Sunday – the one day in the year when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission – is happening today on the theme: ‘Here I am, send me!’
This special day is celebrated in every Catholic community in the world. It is a moment of grace to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in situations of poverty, violence and oppression.
Catholics are called to support overseas mission financially and prayerfully through Missio. On World Mission Sunday 2020, we will be honouring the brave and selfless women and men already making a huge difference in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world.
Sister Nilcéia is a Brazilian missionary working in a health clinic in a remote area of Malawi. She has responded to God’s call by devoting her life to the practical care and spiritual nourishment of the most vulnerable people. She says:
‘Our small clinic is an oasis of hope. Despite the challenges, we persevere in this work because we love God and we love his people. I believe in the goodness of God and we serve as Jesus did. But sometimes, the darkness seems very dark. We share all that we have but sometimes it is not enough to save a sick child.
‘The need here in Malawi is great but the Lord is faithful, and we continue to serve. We take courage from knowing you are with us in this mission. Together we are one family, one faith, one Church, and together we share love through good actions’.
The National Director of Missio in England and Wales, Fr Anthony Chantry, visited some Missio projects in Malawi late last year. A missionary himself, he knows the prayers and donations from the Missio family are crucial to struggling communities abroad.
He shares: ‘World Mission Sunday is a wonderful opportunity for the global family of the Church to stand together in solidarity and faith. Each parish throughout the world celebrates being part of a worldwide Church and prays and gives what they can for the benefit of others. By taking part, we are offering a hand of friendship and encouragement to our sisters and brothers in poorer countries and to missionaries across the world who share God’s love with all’.
In Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Sunday, he says: ‘The Church continues the mission of Jesus and sends us everywhere so that, through our witness and the proclamation of the Gospel, God may continue to manifest his love and transform hearts, societies and cultures’.
Missio, the Holy Father’s charity for world mission, helps Churches too poor or too young to support themselves. What you donate today will make a difference to struggling communities throughout the world.
This World Mission Sunday, how will we in the Diocese of Salford share God’s love with those near and far?

Tagged | Catholic Church