Religious Education
Primary RE
Primary schools within the diocese follow two main curricula: Come and See or The Way, the Truth and the Life. You can find out more about these by clicking the links.
Both schemes are based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and cover the requirements of the Religious Education Curriculum Directory.
Resources to support our primary schools in all aspects of Religious Education can be found here in the Resource Centre.
If you require any further information contact Catherine Moss, who is Lead Teacher/Innovator for Primary RE.
Secondary and Sixth Form RE
Secondary schools within the diocese base their KS3 curriculum on the Religious Education Directory
At Key Stage 4 secondary schools within the diocese meet the requirements of the RECD by teaching either: Eduqas Route B or Edexcel Specification A, with Judaism as the second religion.
The Salford Diocesan Certificate in Religious Education is also taught in some of our schools.
If you require any further information contact Anna Nuttall, the Lead Teacher for Secondary and Sixth Form RE.