Vocations Masses begin with a challenge to listen to God’s voice
Tuesday 24th January 2023A call to respond to God’s plan with an “open heart” was shared with people across the diocese at our first vocations Mass.
The Mass took place on Friday 20 January at St Bernard’s RC Church in Burnage, and signalled the start of a renewed drive to inspire conversation and prayer around vocations to the priesthood.
Led by Mgr Michael Kujacz, the Mass was an invitation for people to pray for the future of the priesthood in our diocese, whilst also reflecting on their own God-given mission.
In the Gospel (Mark 3:13-19), we revisited the story of Jesus appointing the twelve apostles.
Reflecting on this in his homily, Mgr Kujacz reminded us that, like the apostles, God also calls each one of us by name, presenting us with a unique mission.
He said: “In the same way as Jesus had chosen the names of his disciples, he gives that honour to each of us by name; and to each of us by name, he gives a certain challenge that each of us must face.
“And within that call he will give us various tasks that we must do. He will challenge us to listen to his voice.
“That in itself can be frightening at times because we’re not quite sure where that’s going to lead us. We’re not quite sure if it will turn our life upside down.
“But we’re called to place ourselves before him with an open heart and ask that he will strengthen us and give us the grace to complete that journey.”
The Mass was the first of a new series of monthly Masses for Vocations to the Priesthood, reintroduced across the diocese this year to help nurture a culture of positivity, prayer, and conversation around vocations.
Masses will take place across the diocese, visiting a different deanery each month.
Our next Mass will take place at 7pm on Friday 10th February at St Brendan’s, Harwood.
Fr Michael Deas, Vocations Promoter for the Diocese of Salford, said: “The purpose of these Masses is to get people to become aware of the idea of vocation – in particular vocation to the priesthood, so that everybody can explore and think about, and see: are you called to do something for God’s mission, and could that be priesthood or religious life?
“But as well, another focus of these Masses is to pray for vocations, to come together as a community, and to pray in the best way we can. The highest form of prayer is the Mass, and so we’ll come together this year, we’ll pray for vocations to the priesthood, and a community will grow and rely on God, trusting God that that will bear fruit for us this year.”

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