Mass for Vocations to the Priesthood
St Bernard's RC Church, Burnage, Manchester, M19 1DRFriday 20th January 2023
A series of monthly Masses for Vocations is set to return in 2023 to help inspire conversation and prayer around priestly vocations.
The Masses will take place across the length and breadth of the diocese as they move from deanery to deanery each month.
Parishes are also invited to hold their own Mass, Holy Hour, or event to support vocations in their own way.
The first Mass will take place at 7pm on Friday 20 January at St Bernard’s RC Church, Burnage.
Whether you would like to explore more about a vocation to the priesthood, or simply pray for the future of the priesthood in our diocese, you’d be more than welcome to attend.
Find out more at https://www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk/monthly-vocations-masses/
Can’t make it? Our next Mass will be at 7pm on Friday 10th February at St Brendan’s, Harwood.