This Lent, Engage in Global Healing
Monday 18th January 2021On Thursday 18th February, Bishop John will launch a series of speakers, prayers and discussions based on the film-based resource, “Global Healing”. The talks will take place each week from the 18th February throughout Lent, with our Head of Environment Dr Emma Gardner sharing her own knowledge and experiences with us on Thursday 4th March’s event.
We all have our own part to play in responding to the environmental crisis our world is facing and Pope Francis has called each of us to listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
The “Global Healing” documentaries will inform and challenge people to respond to Pope Francis’ call to Care for Our Common Home. The films are suitable for all who are concerned about what is happening to our world and who want to take action, or those who want to learn more about the issue.
The films will take place over six Thursdays, from 18th February – 25th March 2021, between 7.30pm – 8.30pm and are hosted by the Global Catholic Climate Movement Laudato Si’ Animators in the UK.
If you’d like to register to join, please click HERE or email jane@catholicclimatemovement.global

Tagged | Environment