The skull of St Ambrose Barlow in a glass case on the altar of St Mary's, the Hidden Gem.

Manchester parish holds special celebration for feast of St Ambrose Barlow

Tuesday 19th September 2023

A parish Young Adults Group consecrated itself to the patronage of an inspiring local saint during a special celebration of his feast day earlier this month.

Sunday 10th September marked the feast of St Ambrose Barlow – a Manchester-born monk who was martyred on the same date in 1641.

The story of St Ambrose Barlow is well-known throughout our diocese, which is home to remarkable relics of the saint, including his skull, kept at the bishop’s residence at Wardley Hall.

Click here to read more about St Ambrose Barlow and the story of the skull. 

However this year, Bishop John gave special permission for the skull to be brought to St Mary’s – also known as the Hidden Gem – in Manchester, where parish priest Mgr Anthony Kay held a special commemoration of the feast.

A beautiful shrine was erected in the Mulberry Street church, where people were invited to venerate the relic, spend time in prayer, or join the parish community for Mass.

The occasion was particularly special for the parish Young Adults Group, who celebrated the feast by consecrating themselves to the patronage of St Ambrose Barlow at the end of midday Mass.

The Young Adults Group of St Mary’s meets every Wednesday evening for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 5.15pm, Holy Mass at 6pm, followed by Exposition and Benediction. There is also an opportunity for discussion and social time from 7pm.

Two photos depicting the skull of St Ambrose above his portrait, and a photo of the Mass sheet taken from the choir loft overlooking the congregation



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