Regular day retreat programme returns
Wednesday 20th September 2023Our regular day retreat programme will be making a welcome return to Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella’s this autumn.
The programme, run by our diocesan Department for Formation, was introduced last year, inviting people across the diocese to come together to learn more about our faith through the study of scripture, prayer, and other religious texts.
Facilitated by Donna Worthington – an experienced retreat leader – these inspiring sessions will once again be hosted at the new centre at Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella’s, Brownedge Road, Lostock Hall.
The retreats will take place between 11.30am and 3pm and will cost £20 per retreat.
Places are limited, so please do book ahead by contacting the parish office on 01772 335387 or email office@saintgerards.org.uk
Upcoming sessions
Saturday 18th November 2023: DESERT MOTHERS
Exploring the spirituality of these deep disciples of Christ.
Saturday 10th February 2024: INTRO TO CHRISTIAN MEDITATION
Explore the contemplative tradition with a particular focus on Fr John Main’s teaching.
An introduction to these helpful Christian approaches.
Monday 13th May 2024: THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING
Explore this incredible mystical text written in the 14th century, a profound guide on prayer.
Thursday 6th June 2024: – JONAH & THE WHALE
A spiritual sea journey into the darkness of the whale & moving towards a pathway of light.
Saturday 6th July 2024: THE FIRE & THE WELL & THE CLOAK
Explore the spirituality of the wonderful Saint Brigid and her compelling symbolism