A wooden cross, draped in purple cloth, a crown of thorns, and a Bible sit on top of a purple cloth

Prayer in Lent Programme – Journey of Prayer

Wardley Hall, Worsley, M28 2ND
Friday 22nd March 2024

People across the diocese are invited to embark on a special journey of prayer this Lent in preparation for the 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee.

Pope Francis has designated 2024 as a Year of Prayer ahead of next year’s jubilee, inviting us to focus particularly on the Our Father.

To help us on this path of prayer, Sister Joan Kerley FMSJ, from Our Lady and Lancashire Martyrs, is teaming up with Maria Kidd and Jenny Bond to lead a series of talks exploring various themes which lead us to prayer.

Taking place on each of the Fridays of Lent between 10am and 12.30pm at Wardley Hall, the sessions include presentations, discussion, and time for quiet prayer and reflection.

Our final session will take place on 22 March with a focus on the Journey of Prayer

Places are limited to 25 participants, so please do let us know in advance if you would like to join by contact Sister Joan by at joankfmsj@gmail.com, or by calling 0161 971 7842.

Parking is also limited, so please consider sharing a ride with another participant. If you are a Blue Badge holder, please let us know via the contact details above, so we can reserve a place.

A voluntary donation is appreciated to cover the cost of tea, coffee, and reflection papers

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