Music Ministry Training Day
Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford St. Salford. M3 6DPSaturday 14th July 2018
10.30am – 4:.30pm
The talk and workshops are now full and no more bookings can be made. All welcome to preparation for Mass at 2:45pm and Mass for Musicians at 3:30pm in the Cathedral
A day for Singers, Organists, Musicians and Musical Directors from around the Diocese.
10.30 Arrivals (with tea and coffee)
10.50 Talk
11.50 Lunch
12.30 Workshops (1)
1.30 Workshops (2)
2.30 Tea & coffee
2.45 Preparation for Mass
3.30 Mass for musicians
Admission Free
Please bring a packed lunch
Workshops (1)
- Daniel Bath – ‘Make a joyful noise’: a workshop for instrumentalists.
- Nick Baty – ‘Let the peoples praise you’: getting your congregation to sing.
- Martin Barry – ‘Sing a new song to the Lord’: a workshop for singers.
- Anthony Hunt – ‘Playing for Mass: the art of congregational and choir accompaniment’
Workshops (2)
- Daniel Bath – At first sight! A workshop on sight singing.
- Nick Baty – Dots before the eyes: music reading for beginners.
- Martin Barry – ‘Sing praise with all your skill’: choosing the right music for Mass.
- Anthony Hunt – ‘Organ alchemy: changing and adapting piano playing into good organ technique.’