Laudato Si Centre – Summer 2019 Update
Wednesday 21st August 2019As many of you will know, for the last few months work has been ongoing at Wardley Hall to create a flagship environmental project called the Laudato Si Centre within the diocese.
The Centre was launched in Lent 2019 in response to Pope Francis’s call in his encyclical Laudato Si for us to care for our common home and undertake an ecological conversion.
At the Laudato Si Centre, which is a project expected to take around 3-5 years to realise, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes to lay the foundations of what is going to be an exciting journey for our diocese.
The project is already making strong strides of progress and we thought we would let some of the numbers do the talking.
Work will be continuing over the next few months – despite the rainy summer we are having here in our diocese!
Next steps include building compost units, the surveying of stable blocks with a view of converting them into a learning hub and the opening of a memorial wood, made up of trees donated in memory of loved family members.
Is your parish doing things to live more simply and sustainably? We’d love to hear what’s happening in your community.
Let us know by emailing: communications@dioceseofsalford.org.uk

Tagged | Environment | Laudato Si' Centre