Guidelines for Resumption of Mass
Monday 6th July 2020On 28 June the Government announced the easing of lockdown restrictions. This easing of restrictions has allowed some of our churches to begin reopening for public worship and the Holy Mass, as well as for private prayer and individual worship.
Bishop John responded to the announcement with a Homily, stating what this will mean practically in our diocese. Any church that is opening will have undergone risk assessments to ensure the safety of both clergy and parishioners.
In his Homily, he recommended that in our diocese we do three things: firstly, attend a weekday Mass to help ease Sunday capacity, secondly that any elderly person, anyone with fraily or an underlying condition shouldn’t consider trying to attend Mass and finally, that if your parish church is not opening for the public celebration of Mass you wait until it does so without looking for other churches which will have their own restricted capacity for their parishioners.
You can read the Bishop’s Homily in full by clicking here
During this time, churches will continue to livestream Mass.
It is important for those who are able to attend Mass in the coming weeks the months to note that the experience will look and feel different than usual as measures are put into place to reduce the risk of transmission of infection. These measures are described in more detail below and in the graphic.
- Stewards Stewards will be placed on the door to manage the flow of people in and out. Please be guided by the steward when receiving Communion and entering and leaving the Church. You may be required to give the steward your name and contact details for Track and Trace purposes.
- One Way System A one way system will be clearly marked out on floors, including when receiving Communion.
- Hygiene Please use hand sanitiser provided as you enter and leave the church. The church will be cleaned between Masses.
- Social Distancing Please keep two metres distance between those who are not from your household at all times.
- Face Coverings Face coverings are not compulsory but stewards may wear one when dealing with people.
Test and Trace
- Test and Trace You may be required to leave your name and contact details with stewards for Test and Trace.
During the Mass
- Hymn Books There will be no Hymn books or shared materials and readers will be encouraged not to touch the Lectionary, however you are able to bring your own Missal.
- Offertory Procession This will not take place at the moment. The gifts will be brought frmo the Credence table.
- Offertory Collection There will be no offertory collection. Donations will be accepted in only one specific place but direct debit is encouraged.
- Sign of Peace Due to restrictions on physical contact, the sign of peace will not take place.
- Congregational Singing and Music Congregational singing will not take place. No wind instruments or pipe organs are to be used and recorded music is suggested.
- One Way System A one-way system will be clearly marked. Please maintain the 2m distance during Communion.
- Celebrant’s Host Only the priest should consume the Celebrant’s Host.
- Receiving Communion The precious blood will not be distributed at this time. Communion should be taken in the hand while standing.
- Hygiene Hands must be sanitised both before and after distributing Communion.
If you have any symptoms of coronavirus or have been in contact with someone who has symptoms, please stay at home.

Tagged | Around the Diocese | Catholic Church