Giving Back at Lent: Envirolent
Wednesday 3rd March 2021The season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to take a step back and reflect. To refocus on what we believe, and why. We remind ourselves about the faith and trust that we have in our God and we take a moment to regain the sense of putting our faith into action in all that we do.
This is particularly relevant through this year like no other, where we have faced a time of pandemic and of changes to our daily lives. As we move out of this time, let us put the protection of our common home at the centre of our efforts to create a better world for all.
Caring for Our Common Home
Climate change is threatening creation: entire species are being made extinct, nature is suffering and the effects of climate change are disproportionately affecting the world’s poorest communities.
The effect of climate change is not a problem that we can just leave to governments to remedy. They must play their part but Pope Francis tells us that we are all required, every one of us, to make changes to our lives and begin to repair the damage before matters become irreversible.
Envirolent Resources
We have produced resources that we hope will complement each other encouraging joint working with parishes and schools and offering suggestions of practical actions which you can adopt in your communities.
We have produced resources based on 5 Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, rewild and reclaim. Envirolent will close with a call to prayer using an adapted Prayer for our Common Home which has been produced by the diocese. You are welcome and encouraged to use this prayer beyond the Lenten season as we are hoping to adopt it as our diocese’s environmental prayer going forward.
Resources for Parishes
Envirolent Posters for Parishes – Five posters on a weekly theme: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rewild, Reclaim
A Prayer for our Common Home poster – A PDF featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home
A Prayer for our Common Home Word Document – A word document featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home for you to use in your own resources
Prayer for Our Common Home Prayer card
Resources for Schools
Envirolent Posters for Parishes– Posters including a Prayer for Our Common Home
Prayer for Our Common Home Prayer card

Tagged | Environment