Caritas Sunday – ‘Love for Humankind’
Sunday 26th January 2020Caritas Sunday is the one opportunity each year for Caritas to appeal to every parish in our diocese to support the corporal works of mercy.
Formerly Catholic Children’s Rescue Society (founded in 1886), Caritas Diocese of Salford has now expanded to respond to many areas of need in our parishes, from its work with the homeless, with children, families and the wider community, and in welcoming refugees.
Caritas keeps its central admin costs to a minimum to ensure every penny donated makes a real difference. Their work with schools and parishes in the diocese is growing in importance as we strive to be Missionary Disciples.
Caritas means ‘Love for Humankind.’ This is the action that we are being asked to take as Missionary Disciples in our parish. Caritas Diocese of Salford, the home charity of our diocese, has 22 formal services and centres located around the North West.
This time last year, thanks to your help, the Caritas Sunday appeal raised £29,833 which went directly to fund where the need was greatest; namely in its work with children and families in our Bolton Young Parents’ Home; its work with Homeless at Cornerstone Day Centre; and its work with refugee education and integration.
Thanks to Caritas supporters, in 2019 Caritas provided care and support to 13,130 unique beneficiaries. 771 people across the Diocese of Salford gave up their time to volunteer, many of whom are Caritas Representatives; volunteers who help to share information from Caritas in parishes and who work with the Hope in the Future development teams to support local outreach projects.
Sunday, 26th January 2020 is Caritas Sunday. This year Caritas is asking all parishioners to support the goal of a 2020 with #NobodyLeftBehind and to help House the Homeless, Build Stronger Families and Communities, and Welcome Refugees.
The second collection after Mass and ongoing support will allow Caritas Diocese of Salford to continue important work in our parishes and across the Diocese.
If you are interested to get involved in social action in this Parish, to help others in need, then please speak to your Parish Priest, your Caritas Representative and your Hope in the Future team.