Bishop Terence Reflects on the Stations
Saint Mary's the Hidden Gem, 17 Mulberry St, Manchester M2 6LNSaturday 30th March 2019
Bishop Terence will visit St Mary’s, the Hidden Gem, to celebrate the 12 noon Mass on Saturday, 30th March. After Mass, he will give a short reflection on the portrayal of the Stations of the Cross in the Hidden Gem, and in particular on how we can use these unique paintings to pray the Stations of the Cross. Everyone is welcome to join us for this celebration of the Mass and short reflection.
Bishop Terence, our Bishop Emeritus, has written a small booklet in which he reflects on the portrayal of the Stations of the Cross in St Mary’s church, the Hidden Gem, Manchester.
The Stations are the work of Norman Adams RA and were commissioned by Canon Denis Clinch, the former parish priest of the Hidden Gem, in 1993 from a list of artists complied by the late Sister Wendy Beckett. Professor Adams considered these Stations the greatest work of his life.
The beauty of these Stations invite our attentiveness and contemplative focus so we can enjoy their spiritual depth and richness. Bishop Terence draws on his long years of pastoral experience, wisdom and prayer to help us, through this little booklet, to appreciate the language that is paint and form in these stations.
Copies of the Reflections on the Stations of the Cross are available on the Parish Piety Stall and are priced at only £1.95