2019 Manchester Newman Lecture – Laudato Si and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NSWednesday 15th May 2019
6.30pm for a 7pm start
A voyage with Coleridge and Pope Francis
Many of the key insights of Pope Francis’ radical encyclical on man’s relationship with the natural world are uncannily prefigured in the work of the nineteenth-century poet, critic and theologian Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
The Rev Dr Malcolm Guite. Malcolm is an Anglican priest, a poet, theologian and song-writer. He is Chaplain of Girton College, Cambridge where he also teaches in the Divinity Faculty. His most recent book The Mariner: A Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge was described in The Tablet as a book that may become a classic of Christian spirituality.
To book: contact Chris Quirke by email dcq@mac.com or phone 07764 946074
There is no admission charge but if you would like to help us cover the cost a donation of £5 on the day will be very welcome.