Stand Together this Holocaust Memorial Day

Monday 27th January 2020

Stand Together. That is the theme of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, which will be recognised on 27 January – 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz.

The importance of standing together cannot be more relevant to today’s society in which we are witnessing increasing ever-growing division in communities across the UK and the world. Now more than ever, we need to stand together with others in our communities in order to stop division and the spread of hostility in our society.

One way we can do this is to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters of all faiths and none.

Across the UK, the CCJ – Council of Christian and Jews – are working together to encourage dialogue, social action and education among all people.  Here in the Diocese of Salford, the CCJ recently held a concert to celebrate 77 years of the Council in Manchester.  Among an array of events like their concert, the Manchester branch regularly organise visits to churches and synagogues.

We should find hope in the individuals who today are standing together with those who are being persecuted in their communities and countries.  We can use their inspiration in our day to day lives to show tolerance and compassion.  This does not have to be a revolutionary act; it can be as simple as looking outwards, extending a friendly hello or taking the time to learn about another faith or culture.

Today, as we look back to remember the millions of people who were killed in the Holocaust, let us also look forward.  Let us imagine, and work to create, the world we wish to see for our children and our grandchildren. Let us be brave in standing alongside those we witness facing persecution for who they are.

We can all play our own part in trying to create a world of peace, of hope and of kindness in which we celebrate, not discriminate against, our differences.

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