Racial Justice Sunday
Wednesday 5th February 2025Racial Justice Sunday is a special day of prayer in the Catholic Church, which focuses on the need to oppose racism and pursue racial justice with renewed vigour.
Taking place on Sunday 16th February, the theme for Racial Justice Sunday is: “Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice”.
The theme invites Catholics across England and Wales to reflect on the collective journey towards racial justice in our schools, parishes and wider society.
Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Racial Justice, offers a short message for Racial Justice Sunday:
“2025 is a very special year. It marks both a Year of Jubilee and the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday.
“This year, we invite the Catholic community to reflect on the journey towards racial justice – past, present and future – by asking: ‘How far have we come, where are we now and what remains to be achieved?’
“Just as pilgrims must prepare for their journey and be properly equipped, we, too, need all that is necessary to propel us towards racial justice – the mind of Christ; examination of our progress and of the challenges that remain; a willingness to learn from one another together; and prayers for and on the journey.
“It is my hope that our Racial Justice Sunday 2025 resources will not only assist but inspire the People of God to continue walking and praying together on the path to racial justice.”
Bishop Paul McAleenan, Racial Justice Message
Catholic Church – Racial Justice Sunday
Caritas Salford Marks Racial Justice Sunday
Our diocesan charity Caritas Salford has shared some ideas on ways we can take practical action to promote racial justice.
- Include racial justice as a regular item on parish council / leadership team agendas
- Ensure that ministry roles reflect the diversity of the parish community
- Appoint a parish Caritas representative to support and encourage issues of social action including racial justice in your parish community
- Include a commitment to promoting racial justice through parish mission statements or bulletins
- Include prayers for racial justice and inclusion into Masses, especially on Racial Justice Sunday
- Invite clergy and leaders from diverse backgrounds to offer talks, reflections or other activities in your parish, offer study sessions on Catholic Social Teaching and racial justice
- Share educational resources such as books, videos, and articles about racial justice and diversity in church settings
- Encourage parishioners to learn about and celebrate the cultures and traditions of the diverse communities within the parish and local area
- Engage with and encourage collaboration with local organisations working on racial justice and inclusion
- Support events and campaigns aimed at fostering community cohesion and addressing systemic racism
- Offer the parish facilities as a safe space for intercultural dialogue and reconciliation
- Commit to an annual review of racial justice efforts, using feedback from parishioners to guide future actions.
Let us pray
We invite you to use the below prayer in your parishes, schools, and homes as we pray for a future built on peace and justice:
Priest, teacher, or prayer leader: Let us bring our prayers before the Lord, who calls us to love one another and to work for justice, peace and unity among all peoples.
For the Church, that we may reflect the rich diversity of God’s creation and be a beacon of unity, embracing people of all races, cultures and backgrounds with love and respect.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For leaders in the Church and society, that they may be inspired by the Holy Spirit to confront racism, promote inclusion, and ensure equal opportunities for all.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For those who have suffered from the sin of racism, that they may find healing, justice and strength in God’s love, and that their voices may be heard and valued.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For our communities, that we may be instruments of reconciliation and peace, building bridges where there is division and creating spaces where all feel welcome and valued.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For each of us, that we may examine our own hearts, repent of prejudice or indifference, and commit ourselves to the work of racial justice as disciples of Christ.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For those who have died in the fight for racial justice and for all victims of racial hatred, that they may rest in the peace of Christ, and that their legacy may inspire us to continue their work.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Priest, teacher, or prayer leader: Heavenly Father, you have made us all in your image and likeness and called us to live as one family. Hear our prayers as we strive to build a world that reflects your justice, mercy, and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tagged | Catholic Church | Prayer | Resources