Caritas St Josephs’ Service Provides Support During the Pandemic.
Tuesday 29th June 2021At the start of the pandemic St Josephs welfare service partnered with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to bring assistance to people who were suffering . They saw that older people in the community were experiencing and increased sense of isolation due to the effects of the pandemic. This meant that their approach had to change in order to continue to provide support for people who were shielding or self-isolating.
For older people in our community Loneliness and isolation was already a challenge before the pandemic. In a study published by Age UK they found that many people had been left with no hope, and felt frightened and depressed. Isolation affected lots of people’s mental health and left many people struggling to cope with grief and loss that they may have experienced throughout this time.
This meant the services had to drastically change their approach how they provided support, in a relatively short period of time. They provided hot meal deliveries, visits, shopping and hospital accompaniment. They also helped to coach people how to use zoom, and increased the telephone services for those who were unable to use zoom.
The service provided by the St Joseph’s welfare service and Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has provided a lifeline for those who are lonely and isolated. We are very grateful for the dedication and commitment they have provided throughout the pandemic
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