Caritas Salford: Diverse Communication Awareness and Tactics Training For Our Parishes – Clergy, staff and laity
Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DPTuesday 6th December 2022
Have you ever wondered if:
• everyone in you meet uses the same mode of communication, all the time?
• you use different language styles and modes with different people?
• everyone you encounter understand language in the same way?
• you are always able to make yourself understood?
Join us for a FREE awareness session delivered by Dr Minna Moffatt-Feldman, Caritas Accessibility Coordinator
What will be in the session:
The aim of the session is to have an increased awareness of:
• Modes of communication: Speech, Sign Languages, Sign Systems, Deafblind-tactile communication, Augmented and Alternative Communication, Symbols, Body Language, Lip reading and more…
• Understanding your audience: Culture, Semantics, Idioms and Metaphors social cues, context, idiosyncratic language, active listening, turn-taking, repair tactics.
• Basic British Sign Language: learn fingerspelling and to use some basic vocabulary in simple interchanges
• Technology and Human Resources: Communication aids, Interpreters, Communication Support Professionals
• Organisational Barriers: Ways in which organisations operate that create barriers
• Adjustments and Sustainability of mitigations
Places are limited. To book your place on the training or ask a question, please email Minna: