Faith in Action

The Faith in Action Award is a dynamic way of teaching our young people about the practical impact of faith.

This national award –  presented on behalf of CYMFed – helps our young people understand the role faith can play in our world today by turning a study of scripture and Church teaching into practical action.

The aim of the award is to encourage our young people to bring the light of Christian hope into our world by recognising, rewarding, and celebrating their wonderful achievements.

Please find a presentation with more information about the award here or explore the drop downs below to discover more.

The programme rewards active service in schools and parishes, encouraging young people to take their service into the wider community and accept greater responsibility for their faith in action.

It encourages them to shine the light of faith upon their experience, reflecting upon how this shapes and moulds them as young people.

The Awarding authority is the Youth Office for the Diocese of Salford.

Who is this for?

The scheme is, primarily, for Y6 onwards.

Who is the award run by?

The award is run by the Diocese of Salford but is moderated nationally to allow all participating dioceses to have a fair system of assessment.

How can I register?

Schools, parishes or any other organisations wishing to complete the award should register here.

Alternatively, you can contact us by emailing: to request more information and a registration form.

How long does it take to complete the award?

It is recommended that the programme should commence around September* and final pieces and hours completed by the following May/June.

*This may vary but the award can take up to 8 months dependent on hours etc.

The awards ceremony will then be after the summer break where you will be presented with your Diocesan certificate by the Bishop.

Is it the same as the Duke of Edinburgh?

The Faith in Action Award differs from the DofE in that as the year goes on, we would ask the young people involved in their acts of service to reflect on why they are acting in this way and what the results of their actions might be through four 90 minute reflection points based on the Pastoral Cycle of see-judge-act. However, it is possible to create a full retreat for each point, if desired.

The reflection points are vital as they allow the young person to act and then reflect on that action. Our actions will then in turn change through this reflection.

At the end of the year the young people will be asked to show how their thoughts might have changed by completing a final piece of work that shows how they have engaged with their work and service and how the reflection points have allowed them to grow in their relationship with God and neighbour.

I am interested in setting up the award in my school and parish. Do I need to register twice?

No, you only need to register once. 

How much does it cost?

Apart from printing off the booklet, the only other cost is the badge which will be presented at the award ceremony. The badge costs £2.50 for each level. There is no charge for the reflection days.

How do I order certificates and badges?

To order certificates and badges please complete the order form which can be downloaded by clicking here.

When will the certificate be presented?

These will be presented along with the badge at the award ceremony. This usually takes place once a year (July).

However, if you would prefer to organise your own event with your deanery/cluster where the certificate and badge can be presented, this is fine.

Can I have young people on different levels?

Yes, you can. However, for the PIN Level, this can be done as one class/group while the rest of the awards are achieved individually. During the reflection points, group will be split according to the level they are working towards.

Can a young person achieve all their hours in school?

As the award encourages school/parish and community links, it would not be appropriate to complete all the hours in the school as there would be no link with the parish.

One of the benefits of completing the award is to strengthen the links between the individual, parish communities and organisations.

Reflection, both personal and guided, form the heart of the Faith in Action Award.

Although receipt of a Faith in Action Award depends largely upon the number of service credits accrued, ensuring young people are given the time and space to reflect on their service is integral to this scheme.

This is achieved through both guided Reflection Points and participants keeping a personal journal.

Read more: Reflection Point Outline

Reflection Point 1: We are loved

In this reflection point, they have explored what it means to be loved. Using the parable of the Prodigal Son, they have reflected on how God’s love for us is unconditional and everlasting.

We Are Loved – High School – Resource Sheet

We are loved – YouTube Video

Reflection Point 2: Loving our Neighbour

In this reflection point, they have discussed how we can follow the example of Jesus by loving our neighbour. They have reflected upon the ‘Golden Rule’ and what is meant by the word ‘neighbour.’

Loving Our Neighbour – High School – Resource Sheet

Loving Our Neighbour – YouTube Video

Reflection Point 3: The Kingdom of God

In this reflection point, they have explored  what is meant by ‘God’s Kingdom’, and understand what Jesus means when he says “the kingdom of God is close at hand.”

Reflecting on the corporal works of mercy, we can think on how we each have an individual responsibility to building the kingdom and what steps we can take to facilitate that in our lives.

Kingdom Of God – High School – Resource Sheet

Kingdom Of God – YouTube Video

Reflection Point 4: Servant Leadership

In this reflection point, they have thought about what it means to be a ‘servant leader’. How can we come to understand how Jesus challenges us to change and, by following his example on Maundy Thursday, we will realise how living a life of service can change not only ourselves but the wider community as well.

Servant Leadership – High School – Resource Sheet

Servant Leadership – YouTube Video

Used with kind permission of the Animate Team.

Below you can find some examples of things you can do within your parish and school to receive the award.

Please explore the table below to find out more about how points are calculated.