What do you want to see at the Laudato Si Centre?
Monday 3rd June 2019We are at the start of an exciting new journey in the Diocese. Something is happening at Wardley Hall. If you were to visit you might see the tree counting in the woodland or the appearance of vegetable beds on the lawn. All the activity is part of the new Laudato Si Centre.
What is the Laudato Si Centre?
The Laudato Si Centre is an exciting and new initiative to be based at Wardley Hall. The Centre seeks to respond to the challenge of Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment and human ecology, by creating a space for practical action to care for our common home, which will help to leave a sustainable world for future generations.
Ideas for the plan include space for a walled garden where vegetables can be grown, an outdoor classroom, chickens, a forest school and a wildflower meadow – and that is just for starters! It is an ambitious multi-phase project that will take at least 3-5 years to fully realise. It will be open to the public and we hope that it will inspire the local community, schools and parishes to transfer some of the ideas on display into their own communities.
How can you help?
We now need your input! We are looking for parishes, schools and individual parishioners to fill in this questionnaire as part of an important process of consultation being carried out by the Diocese of Salford in relation to the potential new use of the old stable block at Wardley Hall.
We hope to use the building as a hub to support and facilitate the Laudato Si Centre. But we want to hear your views first. You can click on this link or use the form below to fill in the survey.
At this stage we are just looking for feedback on the renovation of the stable block. No final decisions have been made about the building or its specific uses and facilities because we want your input. The feedback from our parishes and schools will be taken into consideration when decisions are being made about how the building will be used.
Thank you for taking part.
Create your own user feedback survey

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