What Do You Think of Our Cemeteries?
Friday 8th October 2021If you visit St Joseph’s Cemetery in Moston or St Mary’s Cemetery in Wardley, we’re looking for your feedback. We are conducting research to better understand how people interact with these spaces; how often they visit, who they are visiting with, how they’re travelling there, and what they think needs to be changed.
This isn’t just multiple choice – you’ll have the chance to tell us your thoughts about these cemeteries in detail and to offer your suggestions for improvement. In each cemetery there is a memorial structure that needs work, so we’d especially love to hear what you think should be done with the Bishop’s Circle in St Mary’s and the Campo Santo in St Joseph’s.
It is important that we hear your views before any final decision on the refurbishment works take place. This survey is of crucial importance in achieving that, and your participation is extremely valuable. To answer these questions, please click here.
You can also log your details to be kept up to date. The survey will close on 29th October 2021.
Thank you!