The Green Church Showcase
Monday 14th June 2021Bishop John has given a few words on what the Green Church Showcase is and why it is important to celebrate our parishes, who have started projects and dedicated time towards a sustainable future.
“The Green Church Showcase is a welcome opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of those parishes who are at the forefront of making green changes, which are key to creating a more sustainable future for our society.
“Sharing examples of best environmental practice and supporting creative change will help us to better understand how we can make progress together, as the Body of Christ, on the pressing issue of climate change. In my own Diocese of Salford, through the ‘Guardians of Creation’ project, we are leading on research into the local church’s response to the ecological crisis. We will share this research across ecumenical networks, as the project unfolds.
“Catholic communities are already pioneering change in various ways, including engaging with CAFOD’s livesimply award, transitioning to greener energies and developing education on this issue in our schools. As we move towards COP26, we hope that ‘Green Church Showcase’ provides a platform that will enable and encourage churches to learn from each other across denominations.
For More information on the Green Church Showcase, Please click here.

Tagged | Bishop John | Environment