Share the Journey
Friday 13th July 2018Refugees walk alongside communities facing the same challenges
Over one hundred and fifty refugees have united as part of refugee week to help complete a 24,900-mile around the world walk in solidarity with the many people still on the move and needing to flee their homes due to violence, persecution and war.
The day, organised by parishioners from Our Lady of the Valley, saw people from different organisations and faiths unite to walk through the countryside as part of the international development charity CAFOD’s Share the Journey campaign.
Catholics from England and Wales have been supporting the campaign, launched by Pope Francis in September 2017, and have already walked over 24,900 miles – the distance around the world. And now they are aiming to walk the equivalent distance again. The campaign calls on the Prime Minister to ensure that the UK takes a lead during UN refugee negotiations to ensure that people forced to flee their homes are treated with dignity.
As well as their walk, the Muslim community hosted a BBQ for all to enjoy and students from Stonyhurst held a football match. There was also an opportunity to learn more about REVIVE and Caritas Salford’s friendship projects, including a ‘Refugee Dine with Me’ as well as their advice and support services.
Mark Wiggin, Director of Caritas Salford said: “Among the students there to welcome us was a group called the Hummingbirds who are working with Stonyhurst college to make them one of the first educational establishments to welcome a refugee family under the new community sponsorship scheme.
“In September this year, we can all pray with Pope Francis that the United Nations and world leaders will adopt two global agreements, one on refugees and the other on migration that will protect all people experiencing the journey away from violence and poverty towards peace and prosperity. Let’s all be in solidarity!”
CAFOD’s representative in Salford, Ann Wilson, added: “We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who was involved in this walk, particularly organisers Tom and Catherine Clay. They came together and showed local leaders that protecting refugees and migrants is an important issue to their communities.
“Share the Journey will deliver a powerful message to world leaders that we want new global agreements that ensure refugees and migrants can live fairly and with dignity.”
To find out more about the Share the Journey campaign, please visit: