“Share the Good News of Jesus with joy!”
Thursday 13th February 2020Fr Eamonn Mulcahy spoke to over 150 people including Bishop John about the Challenges of Pope Francis’ vision for Mission, leaving the event inspired and empowered. Fr Eamonn spoke about how Evangelii Gaudium should be the blueprint for all our missionary efforts with Hope in the Future.
He encouraged local communities to discern how they can renew their parish by sharing the Good News of Jesus with Joy in the power of the Holy Spirit. He also asked attendees to thank God for the gift of Pope Francis to the Church and encouraged them to pray for him.
You can listen to Fr Eamonn’s talk in full on Soundcloud by clicking this link
This talk was held as a part of Stage 3 of Hope in the Future, in which we focus on the Mass and ‘Living the Sunday Eucharist’. There have been a number of events already which have helped with the formation of people in our diocese. The next couple of events are being held in March and April:
Formation Series: Source and Summit
Led by Fr Richard Ounsworth OP
Wednesday 4th March 2020
Register Here
Formation Series: Global Healing
Led by Bishop John Arnold
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Register Here
For more information about events for Hope in the Future click here

Tagged | Around the Diocese | Hope in the Future