What we do
The Department for Finance forms part of the professional support services of the diocese and the primary responsibilities of this team is to ensure the proper stewardship and management of finances for all our parishes and the diocese.
Contact us
Finance Department number: 0161 817 2222
Email inboxes (these are covered by all the team, put in place to avoid emails being missed):
Purchase ledger (invoices) + general correspondence:
Sales ledger & cash:
Parish Finance:
Direct numbers:
Director Of Finance: : 07553 708 760
Parish & Management Accountant: : 07435 988 051
Management Accountant: : 07435 987 458
Below you can download Gift Aid declaration and stationery forms to use in your parish. If you have any queries about these documents, please contact the Finance department by calling 0161 817 2213.
Gift Aid Declaration Forms
Multiple Declarations form 2022
Single Donation Gift Aid Declaration 2022
Gift Aid Stationery Forms
Information about Gift Aid leaflet
Gift Aid Record Recommendations
Alteration Form
Cancellation Form
One Off Confirmation Letter
Requisition Request Form
Weekly Summary Excel – GASDS and Gift Aid
Parish Standing Orders
We have a dedicated page for Standing Order forms for parishes. Please click here to access the page.