Securing a World for Future Generations
Saturday 9th October 2021Bishop John has written a Pastoral Letter to be read around the diocese on the weekend of the 9th/ 10th October. He has also written to all the schools in the diocese at the same time.
In the letter he speaks of the ‘unprecedented urgency and importance’ that is now placed on the COP 26 meeting taking place in Glasgow at the start of November.
He said:
” Much is now understood about the work that can and must be done in order to begin to repair the damage inflicted by climate change. We all have our individual part to play in making changes to our own routines and our personal response will have an important impact. There are many resources available to guide us in managing – among other things – our travel, use of electricity and water, food consumption, re-cycling and waste. We must certainly not dismiss the value and importance of our individual efforts and our Christian duty to care for creation. Certainly, much is being achieved by individuals and communities.
But the real progress for change must come at an international level, with agreements and pledges made by the most powerful countries in the world. As Pope Francis insists, we must think and act globally. Our political leaders must look to making realistic and achievable policies which will ensure that global warming is limited to targets which will allow sustainable living conditions for future generations.”
Bishop John went on to ask:
“I am writing to you today to ask that, while we must concern ourselves with our own achievable changes in our personal lifestyle, we must make determined efforts in prayer that those gathering at the COP26 meeting may understand the urgency of making those radical decisions which are required to secure a healthy environment for future generations.”
Finally, Bishop John shared a prayer that he hopes will be used on 31st October which has been dedicated a diocesan day of prayer for the success of COP 26.
Loving Father,
We acknowledge that,
either through ignorance or greed,
the Earth, our common home, is damaged.
That damage is felt most by people who have done little to cause it.
Industrialisation has exploited natural resources,
endangering wildlife, causing climate change,
and resulting in disasters and global warming.
Father, forgive us, and guide us in the right way.
Send your Spirit to encourage and strengthen
our world leaders as they meet at COP26.
Cause them to discern the way that we must now go,
agreeing the changes and decisions necessary
to begin to repair the damage done
and to prepare a healthy and secure world for future generations.
And we ask Mary, our Mother, to intercede for us, and with us, in our need.
His simultaneous letters to our schools supports our young people and their teachers to continue the excellent work they are doing to show their faith by caring for our common home.
Read the Pastoral Letter here and listen to the letter on the link below.

Tagged | Bishop John | Environment | Pastoral Letter