Memorial for Manchester Bombing Anniversary
Tuesday 15th May 2018The month of May will be a hard for the city of Manchester. We are fast approaching the first anniversary of the Manchester bombing on Tuesday 22nd May.
Bishop John spoke about the upcoming anniversary: ” In the past year advances have been made with community building and recognising the strength of such a diverse population in the metropolitan area. This work must continue and as a diocese we will continue to promote projects that foster a shared sense of community. Our hope must be that we can use this tragedy to bring real and lasting benefits to Manchester and beyond.”
There are a number of opportunties to come together to remember those who died, their families and all those injured and affected on that tragic evening.
Civic Memorial
A civic memorial service will be held at Manchester Cathedral on May 22, from 2-3pm, attended by an invited congregation including the families of those who lost their lives, those injured, first responders, civic leaders and senior national figures.
This is invitation only but will be shown on a big screen in Cathedral Garden.
Trees of Hope trail
On the 22nd May A Trees of Hope trail will run from Victoria Station through to St Ann’s Square.
It offers the opportunity to share tributes and messages of solidarity and love. We would encourage anyone who wants to leave and share tributes to do so through the Trees of Hope trail. These tributes will then form part of the ongoing archive of public responses to the attack. Volunteers on hand to hand out message tags between 8am – 11pm
National Minute Silence
2.30pm – A national minutes silence to mark the first anniversary
Mass of Remembrance
Bishop John will lead a Mass of Remembrance at Salford Cathedral at 7pm. All are invited to come together in prayer to remember.
Manchester Together – With One Voice
Albert Square will open at 6pm to host a a mass-singalong in a united act of remembrance. This event will take place between 7.30-9pm
The day will end with bells being rung out across the city at 10.31pm.
Interfaith Mediation for Peace
A day to celebrate unity and pray for peace
Manchester Cathedral – Friday 25 May 2018 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Join a gathering of people from all backgrounds in a silent meditation of unity – with people from different faiths or none. We will celebrate and strengthen the powerful spirit of community in Manchester which followed the tragic event of 22 May 2017.
For further enquiries and to book please contact Pat Higgins
E: patricia_higgins@hotmail.com or T: 0161 962 8661