Prayer To Our Lady of Peace
Saturday 26th February 2022As we gather together across the Diocese this weekend we think of those caught up in the conflict in the Ukraine.
Bishop John has said: “Tragically, we have a war in Europe. The Ukrainian crisis is accelerating. I suggest that, more than ever, we pray for a peaceful resolution – whether coming together for prayer or individually at home.
Pope Francis has asked that Ash Wednesday, 2nd March, should be a day of prayer and fasting for peace.
The political manoeuvring is very distressing and while it is encouraging to hear the united voice of so many nations in opposition to the invasion and to war, it seems still to be falling on deaf ears, with remarkable assertions that the Russian tanks are “peacekeepers”.
Let us join together and pray to Our Lady of Peace.
Prayer to Our Lady of Peace
O Loving God, your Son, Jesus Christ, came into the world to do your Will and leave us His Peace.
Through the intercession and example of our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, grant us the wisdom and humility to reflect that peace to the world.
Inspire our thoughts, words and deeds to bear witness to your presence in our hearts.
May your Holy Spirit fill us with every grace and blessing so that we may pursue what leads to peace for all humanity.

Tagged | Bishop John