Caritas Salford announces reopening of vital accommodation service
Wednesday 18th May 2022Caritas Diocese of Salford – our diocesan social action charity – is delighted to announce the re-opening of its Morning Star supported accommodation for people who are homeless.
From this week, the Caritas team will welcome 20 single homeless men who would otherwise be housed in poor quality, unsupported temporary accommodation.
Many will have been sleeping rough or ‘sofa surfing’ and will benefit from having their own room in a supported project.
Amanda Croome, Caritas Salford Head of Homelessness said: “People who are homeless need a safe place to recover from the trauma that they have experienced, and Caritas Morning Star is going to be able to provide this along with supporting people to tackle underlying health and financial problems, so that they can rebuild their lives in new homes.”
Can you help?
Caritas Diocese of Salford is seeking 20 individuals, businesses or groups to sponsor a bedroom in the hostel for 12 months. This will enable between 6-12 homeless people each year to move off the streets and have a lovely room with brand new bedding, towels, curtains, carpet, furniture, their own fridge and kettle and pictures on the wall to make it homely. Sponsorship for one of the 20 rooms costs around £1,500 each year.
To find out more visit www.caritassalford.org.uk/service-view/morning-star-hostel/ or contact our Fundraising Team on 0161 817 2285.

Tagged | Caritas Salford | Catholic Church | Diocese