To find out more about the permanent diaconate in our diocese, we’ve been catching up with our permanent deacons to learn more about their journey of vocation.
From their initial calling to the way they are living out the ministry in our parishes, each story is wholly unique, demonstrating the remarkable way God calls each one of us to use our gifts and talents to help build up his Kingdom on earth.
Explore the drop downs below to read more about our permanent deacons’ road to ministry.
We catch up with Deacon Stephen Scott, assistant director of our Permanent Diaconate programme, to find out more about his diaconal journey and the ongoing development of the ministry in our diocese.
Having served for 13 years, Deacon Stephen became the first permanent deacon in our diocese in September 2020, moving to the area from the Diocese of Lancaster.
Read more by clicking here.
Deacon John Walsh, from St John Henry Newman parish in Urmston, speaks to us about a successful career in construction and utilities paved a unique road to ministry.
School chaplain, family man, and permanent deacon Davie Nalikata speaks to us about his vocation and balancing his ministry with work and family life.
“The calling – the best way I can describe it is it’s finding the most important thing in your life that you never knew you lost.”
We catch up with Deacon Lee Davies as he describes his striking calling to permanent diaconate and his work in and around his parish community.