Manchester Together
Tuesday 22nd May 2018Today Manchester came together to remember the 22 who were killed in the Manchester Arena attack last May. We also remember their families, those who were injured and all that were affected on that tragic evening.
As well as the national minutes silence observed across the UK there were a number of memorial events held in the city.
This afternoon saw civic and faith leaders gather, with survivors and victims families at Manchester Cathedral. The service, which was streamed to Cathedrals around the nation, saw readings and tributes from representatives from all faiths and none. Following the minutes silence Bishop John read a prayer:
In his homily Bishop John asked us to do three things:
Remember. Remember all those who died, the injured and all those affected by the events on 22nd May last year.
Remember them always in their prayers. Include in our prayers our Muslim brothers and sisters who were horrified by the attack. And finally the emergency services, health staff and individuals that came to respond that evening.
Acknowledge that grieving goes on. Allow people the time, space and peace to grieve.
But also begin to look forward and build our communities. Do we know our neighbours? Do we shy away from people who are different?