Living the Sunday Eucharist
Sunday 6th October 2019As we enter the Third Stage of our pastoral programme, Hope in the Future, Bishop John has called on us “to value Sunday Mass more and more, devoting ourselves to its preparation and celebration.”
In a Pastoral Letter to mark the launch of the Third Stage, which took place on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, Bishop John wrote to all the parishes saying:
“In recent times it may be said Sunday has simply become just another day of the week. Although an increasing number of people are required to work on Sundays, most of us still have the opportunity to give time and importance to our faith and make our Sundays special. We must not lose or devalue this ancient command to keep the Sabbath day holy. It is in the celebration of Sunday that we nourish our faith through the Eucharist and strengthen ourselves for our missionary work throughout the week.
Sundays are also important occasions to spend time together as families. For so many newly formed parishes, this can be a way of celebrating and building a new sense of parish family.”
Looking ahead to the celebration of the Third Stage of Hope in the Future, which is entitled – Living the Sunday Eucharist, Bishop John asked:
“As we begin this Stage, I wonder how many of us might have to admit that we perhaps forget the importance of what we are celebrating at Mass and as we receive communion? It might have become a part of a routine. Yes, it is important that we are at Mass, but do we properly prepare for the privilege of receiving Our Lord in the Eucharist?”
In his letter Bishop John has asked all of our parishes to consider two practical changes that “may have a very significant and valuable impact in our Diocese.”
- That Holy Communion under both kinds be made available, wherever possible, and with suitable catechesis, at both Sunday and weekday Masses.
- That times of Eucharistic Adoration are observed in all parishes.
The full Pastoral letter can be read here and listened to here.
Find out more about the Third Stage of Hope in the Future here.
See the Resources for the Third Stage of Hope in the Future here.

Tagged | Hope in the Future | Pastoral Letter