Be who God wants you to be and you will set the world on fire!
Thursday 29th April 2021Today is the Feast day of St Catherine of Siena.
St Catherine was born in 1347 and died on 29th April 1380. She was 33 years old.
At an early age, Catherine had made the decision to devote her life to Jesus. Catherine joined the Third Order of St Dominic in which Religious Lay people lived at home but spent many days and nights caring for the sick and always willing to help those in need. She knew that in helping others she was also serving Jesus.
One of St Catherine’s’ famous quotes is:
“be who God wants you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
As the Patron Saint for Youth in our Diocese, we echo these words of St Catherine of Siena to all the young people.
What is God asking of you?
What is the Pope asking of you?
In Pope Francis’ latest book, Let us Dream, The Path for a Better Future, he set out his vision for how to create a better world as we emerge from this pandemic.
If we listen to what he has to say we will find a direction that will shape the rest of our lives! A direction full of hope and promise.
To help with this, we are privileged to be able to invite you to an evening with Dr Austen Ivereigh, who is the co-author of this book. He worked closely with Pope Francis to translate his vision into words that speak to the heart of each of us.
Austen wants to share what he learned from the Pope with you young adults and to invite you to reflect on how you can respond.
Thursday 13th May 2021 7pm – 9pm
Austen is the co-author of Pope Francis’ latest book: “Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future”
In it the Pope sets out his vision on how to create a better world as we emerge from the crisis that we have been living through. He sees this crisis as having meaning for us and inviting us to new ways of thinking and doing things.
The first 20 young adults to register will receive a free copy of the book!
To register or for more information, please email: formation@dioceseofsalford.org.uk
Let us dream together. Let us be part of building a better future.