Inter Faith Week
Monday 12th November 2018The tenth Inter Faith Week takes place from Sunday 11 to Sunday 18 November. It’s a week with a focus on faith and belief but it’s for everyone.
Inter faith understanding and cooperation and religious literacy are of ever greater importance. In the course of this Week, hundreds of events will take place which will help to strengthen these and understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs. These range from open door days at places of worship, to exhibitions, volunteering events to help local communities, sport, workplace awareness raising activities, plays and films, to quizzes and competitions. At www.interfaithweek.org is a map showing the activities taking place, with dozens taking place within our Diocese.
Inter Faith Week:
- Highlights the good work done by local faith, inter faith and faith-based groups and organisations
- Draws new people into inter faith learning and cooperation
- Enables greater interaction between people of different backgrounds
- Helps develop integrated and neighbourly communities
- Celebrates diversity and commonality
- Opens new possibilities for partnership
Building good relationships and working partnerships between people of different faiths and beliefs is part of the work of the Diocese all year round. We support the special week as it provides a focal point, helping to open inter faith activity up to a wider audience so that more and more people are made aware of the importance of this vital work and are able to participate in it.
In the past year important advances have been made in community building and recognising the strength we have of being such a diverse population in this metropolitan area. This work must continue and as a Diocese we will continue to promote projects that foster a shared sense of community. We must continue to strive to develop our sense of community so that no-one is marginalised or isolated.