Final call for Big Listen responses
Friday 12th January 2024Over the coming days, the first key stage of our diocesan synod will be drawing to a close.
The Big Listen has been an opportunity for people across the diocese to share their thoughts on the role and mission of our local Church today.
Click here to have your say.
Beginning in October, The Big Listen sought to engage with as many people as possible through Listening Exercises in parishes and schools across the diocese, in addition to special events for groups such as our young adult community, LGBT+ Catholics, and Caritas Diocese of Salford Service Users.
The Salford Youth and Young Adults Ministry team has also been visiting schools and colleges across the diocese to hear from the youngest members of our diocesan community.
Click here to read more about Big Listen events in our parishes and schools.
Anyone unable to attend an event in their parish or school has also been able to respond to the synod individually through our online Synod Portal.
Throughout this process, we invited people to reflect on and respond to four key questions that will help us identify some of the challenges and opportunities for our diocese today and how God might be calling us to respond.
The questions are:
- Where in your everyday life do you experience love, hope, or joy?
- What concerns or worries make it hard to live a life of faith and hope?
- What do you sense is the role of the Catholic Church in the world today?
- Having reflected on these things, what do you sense God is asking of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Salford at this time?
There is still time to respond to these questions online this weekend by visiting https://dioceseofsalford.org.uk/faith/synod/
The Next Chapter
Over the coming days, The Big Listen will come to a close and responses will be gathered for the team to analyse and identify some common themes. These themes will then be presented to synod members at our gathering in May. The gathering will then make recommendations that will be shared later this year through Local Listening sessions for parishes, schools, and communities to reflect on further. Find out more by exploring our Diocesan Synod Roadmap.
As we continue on our journey, we invite you to keep our diocesan synod in your prayers as we seek to build the local Church God is calling us to be.

Tagged | Bishop John | Catholic Church | Diocesan Synod | Diocese | Prayer | Synod