Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and Leadership

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Once again this year the Diocese, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Liverpool and, this year with Wrexham Diocese, are offering a Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and Leadership. The Diploma is a combination of Online Learning  and a series of leadership workshops, leading to a Loyola University Chicago Certificate and a series of  Liverpool Hope CPD Awards.

The course starts in January 2019 and ends in December 2021. The full Diploma costs £2600, which is payable over three instalments. An increasing number of parishes are willing to part-fund students towards the Diploma.

There is an Information Evening at the Cathedral Centre on Tuesday 9th October 7.30-9pm, with refreshments from 7pm.

Further information:

Diploma Information Booklet

Certificate Information

Please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Chris Lough Christopher.lough@dioceseofsalford.org.uk  or Fr. Paul Daly paul.daly@dioceseofsalford.org.uk  for further information.

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