Blessing for Engaged Couples
Monday 12th February 2018On a grey Saturday in February we saw dozens of engaged and recently married couples come together to celebrate their marriages at Salford Cathedral. During the Celebration we asked for God’s particular Blessing upon all couples getting married this year.
The Blessing for Engaged Couples traditionally takes place on the Saturday nearest to the Feast of St Valentine.
The Blessing was led by Bishop John along with Fr Paul Daly. The Celebration together was an opportunity to express that joy and our prayers that their wedding day is truly the beginning of something even more wonderful not just for the couples but for their family and friends and indeed for wider society.
Bishop John welcomed all the couples saying:
My congratulations to all of you who are about to marry, those who have just married and those who have been married for a number of years. Let’s go on renewing that sense of purpose of love and strength in love within the marriage. It is love that is given to us by almighty God.
Speaking to the couples Bishop John offered a piece of advice:
If I can offer you just one piece of advice for your married life. Always seek to make the other person happy first, because if you love someone then you seek to make them happy and you see them happy, you will be happy too. Everyone wins!
Bishop John went on to remind the couples that God is always present as they enter the final stages of their preparation for marriage.
During the Celebration all the engaged couples were invited to stand and receive the blessing from the Bishop. Each couple then stepped forward to receive a San Damiano Cross.

Tagged | Bishop John | Catholic Church