Big Sleep In – Support Caritas to continue supporting the homeless
Wednesday 17th June 2020On Friday 10th July, Caritas supporters will ditch the comfort of their beds and take to their floors, sofas or under the stairs, sleeping in an unusual place in solidarity with the many homeless people who fall beneath the radar because they are “sofa-surfers”.
In recent years Caritas has been very grateful for the support from our parishes for the Big Sleep Out event, where parishioners have slept outside for one night to highlight some of the hardships that many people have to face on the streets every night.
Over the years, the event has helped to raise much needed funds for homelessness projects at Cornerstone Day Centre and Safe Haven in Manchester. This year, due to the pandemic, Caritas has not been able to hold the Big Sleep Out so got creative… and decided to hold the Big Sleep In.
Instead of the usual event you are invited to choose somewhere in your house to sleep in – as long as it is safe, legal and complies with the current government guidelines for social distancing and protecting yourselves and others from coronavirus.
The intention of this is to stand in solidarity with those facing homelessness, to raise awareness of the issue and to raise much-needed funds for Caritas Salford.
The virtual event will begin at 7.30pm on Friday 10th July and will end after a livestreamed Mass from Bishop John at 10am the following morning.
For more information and to register, please click here