A Message for Engaged Couples
Sunday 14th February 2021Usually at this time of year, engaged and recently married couples from across our diocese would be gathering in the Cathedral for the Blessing of Engaged Couples and a joyful celebration of their marriages led by Bishop John.
Though this year that couldn’t happen, Bishop John has written a message to be shared with engaged couples.
“I imagine that the word “disappointment” is fairly common to you in these days. Planning your wedding has to be so different because of all the restrictions concerning the number of guests at the wedding ceremony and then there is the probability that there cannot be the usual reception, nor the travelling on honeymoon. Long term planning has probably just been frustrated. But your love for one another is real and perhaps even strengthened because of the focus on a wedding in such strange and difficult times. What an important moment for you to make a commitment in love for one another – together you are facing the future, with all its possibilities and opportunities, many of which are still unknown and unseen.
!I wish you well. I wish you much happiness. I hope that there will always be a sense of God’s love in your love for one another. Keep God close to you and He will guide you and strengthen you in all that you hope to achieve together.”
We wish all the couples getting married this year in the diocese every blessing.

Tagged | Bishop John | Catholic Church