Fr Chris Gorton stands in front of Red Door wearing a red Caritas Salford sports top in preparation for his Camino challenge

Prayer and Action: A Camino Challenge

Wednesday 11th September 2024

A Bolton priest invites people to join him in prayer and action as he makes the final preparations for an incredible fundraising pilgrimage.

Next week, Fr Chris Gorton – from the parish of St Cuthbert in Bolton – will be travelling to Lourdes to begin his 924km journey along the Camino de Santiago, raising funds for our diocesan charity, Caritas Salford.

The pilgrimage forms part of the Every Step Challenge for Caritas Salford – a campaign encouraging people across the diocese to go the extra mile to help those experiencing crisis across the length and breadth of our diocese.

To donate to Fr Chris’ JustGiving page, please click here.

Picture shows the back of a pilgrim walking along the Camino with the iconic shell of Santiago de Compostela on their back

Throughout his journey, Fr Chris is inviting people to join him with their own fundraising challenges in support of Caritas.

Across the diocese, schools and parishes are taking on their own challenges at home, whilst a number of people – including Bishop John – are travelling to accompany Fr Chris in person for part of the pilgrimage.

Read more about Bishop John’s challenge here.

However, in addition to the physical challenges, Fr Chris is also eager to encourage everyone at home to accompany him in prayer as he follows in the footsteps of pilgrims throughout the centuries.

He said: “In Medieval times, pilgrimage was an important part of the faith of Christians and if at all possible, they would try to make the journey to the Holy Land, Rome, or Santiago de Compostela at least once in their lives. If someone was unable to go, they would ask a “Palmer” to make the journey for them.”

The name – “palmer” – comes from a tradition dating back to this time, when pilgrims would bring back a palm leaf folded into a cross as a souvenir of their travels.

Fr Chris continued: “I see this opportunity as one for me to be a modern-day Palmer, taking your intentions with me on the way, and so I invite you to pray the prayer in the resources below and know that I will be carrying your intentions with me.”

Pray Along

A key aspect of pilgrimage is the sense of journeying together and uniting with others in prayer and spirit. As such, Fr Chris has created a number of different ways for people to join him along the way, from regular podcasts, to prayer sessions, maps, and more.

Please explore the resources below to find out more about how you can journey with Fr Chris on his Camino challenge!

Camino Prayer

If you have a special intention you would like to be remembered during the Camino pilgrimage, please download the flyer created by Fr Chris to find out more. Click here.

To Be a Rungrim 

An audio diary updated by Fr Chris throughout his journey. The diary is available via the Parish YouTube Channel or via the free Podbean app.

Podcast for Schools

Grateful for all the support from schools across the diocese taking on their own fundraising challenges, Fr Chris will also be recording special updates for schools, sharing them on his Parish YouTube Channel.

Imagining Sessions: Online prayer Series

Taking place weekly throughout the pilgrimage, this online prayer series from Steve Hoyland of the Jesuit Institute and the Diocese of Salford explores themes of pilgrimage and creation, woven together with the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola, to for a unique online prayer journey.

Click here to find out more.

Travel Map 

To discover more about Fr Chris route from Lourdes to Santiago de Compostela, be sure to follow regular updates by clicking here.

JustGiving Page

To sponsor Fr Chris on his fundraising mission, please visit his JustGiving page by clicking here or find out more about Caritas Salford’s Every Step campaign by clicking here.

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Tagged | Caritas Salford | Fundraising | Pilgrimage | Prayer

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