Volunteers’ Week: Celebrating volunteers in our diocese

Thursday 4th June 2020

This week is Volunteers’ Week and we would like to thank and celebrate the thousands of volunteers who tirelessly dedicate their time to supporting our parishes and their local communities.

Whether you support a Caritas project, help with the flower arranging in your parish or you’re the local safeguarding representative, over the last few months your roles may have changed slightly with the Covid-19 situation but your work is so appreciated.

We have thousands of volunteers who contribute to the life of the parish in different ways, whether it’s through pastoral work, assisting in the religious life of the church, visiting older members of the parish or providing administrative support.

Around the diocese, as Hope in the Future shared leadership teams have been formed, each volunteer is assisting us on our journey to be Missionary Disciples in Missionary Parishes.

Through the pandemic, our volunteers have also shown dedication and commitment, responding to their local needs and setting up welfare checks and crisis responses during the pandemic. Their actions show how involved our parishes are in our local communities.

Your support is invaluable, thank you.

Loving Father, You taught us the importance of service through the many examples set by your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the works of the Holy Spirit and the grace poured out by you, these wonderful people have heard your call to do great and wonderful things here in our diocese. May you continue to care for our volunteers and may you shower them with love and blessings. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen

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