Norden parish’s fundraising secures healthy future for world’s poorest

Monday 20th January 2020

The Parishioners of Saint Vincent’s Catholic Church in Norden have been collecting money throughout Advent and Christmas to fund a health centre for people in the developing world.

The idea came from the CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) “World Gifts” programme – a common Christmas charity idea nowadays, whereby you buy a “gift” of a cow or a goat or a bike for someone in the developing world.

The Parish Priest, Fr James Manock, said, “I looked at the list of gifts available, and one jumped out at me – the gift of a health centre for £4000. I thought that there can’t be many people who could buy that as a gift, but I wondered if we, as a parish, could raise that amount over Advent and the Christmas Season.”

An appeal was launched on 1st December, with the total being counted week by week not in cash, but in cows! Every £150 raised put an extra cow on the “totaliser”, and week by week the parishioners responded with immense generosity and the cows multiplied. By the end of the Christmas Season on 12th January, the parish had not just met the target, but exceeded it by £260!

Father James Manock, added: “This is a wonderful manifestation of the generosity of our parishioners, and our desire to celebrate Christmas not just for ourselves, and not just with words but with deeds that truly help people in need. This gift will make a real difference to the health and lives of others, suffering great poverty, and also reminds us what we are meant to be as a Catholic Parish – a place of charity and kindness, especially to those most in need.”

This charity gift will pay for the running costs of a life-saving clinic in a remote community. It keeps the clinic stocked with medicines, medical equipment and even provides petrol for the clinic ambulance, giving vulnerable people vital access to much needed healthcare.

CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. They reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. Through their global Church network, one of the largest in the world, they have the potential to reach everyone. They also campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.

Find out more about CAFOD by clicking here

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