Mission Possible 3
Thursday 20th June 2019Mission Possible started in 2017 when a group of teachers and support staff from Lancashire came together to aid the inspiring work of the Salesian Sisters in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. The Sisters’ work has made a significant impact to thousands of families and the Mission Possible group have looked to assist that work each year.
In 2017 and 2018 the focus was on providing eye tests and glasses. Additionally donations paid for stationary along with educational resources for maths, phonics and art work.
The project (which schools and parishes in the Lancashire area have greatly supported), has gone from strength to strength over this period. In 2017 it raised £6582 and in 2018 it managed to more than treble that amount raising £19,533.54.
This year a new team of teachers and support staff from Lancashire was headed up by Headteacher Kathleen McKeating and left for Nairobi in May 2019. The third Mission Possible team was made up of Aurore Pasquier, Melissa Southern, Tara Warbrick, Bernadette Davies, Karen Wildman, Atlanta Knewstubb and Fay Wilson.
The team sacrificed their half term break and payed for their own air fare. Whilst in Nairobi the group carried out demonstration lessons for the teaching staff and helped to provide new life skills for the children and their families in order to enhance their education.
The team also improved the classrooms by demonstrating how to put together impressive displays. The resident teachers and pupils then happily showed off their skills gained in this area.
Community donations have been put to good use and helped to fund furniture and computers for an I.T. room within the school and enabled the team to decorate and furnish the school library.
Additionally they were able to make a difference to one family by making a metal stand to set Madam Juliet up in business. This small act has made a huge difference by enabling her to sell fruit and vegetables to provide a future for her and her son Moses.
All the wonderful things that the team has done wouldn’t have been possible without all the parish and school communities’ donations and generosity. They are very grateful.