Salford Cathedral Concert Series: Silviu Cobeanu and Robert Webb

Salford Cathedral, 250 Chapel St, Salford M3 5LE
Saturday 2nd April 2022

We’re excited to announce the next event in our Concert Series. On Saturday 2 April at 3pm. Silviu Cobeanu, cantor at St Marie’s Cathedral, Sheffield, and Robert Webb, organist at St Marie’s, will give us a recital of wonderful sacred music.

We can’t wait to hear Silviu’s voice make the most of our cathedral’s unique atmosphere.

Alex Patterson, our Director of Music, had this to say:

“I’m thrilled to welcome our friends Silviu and Robert from Sheffield to Salford to give this programme of beautiful sacred music in our Cathedral. The concert series is proving to be a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of a Saturday afternoon in the city, and this concert promises to be something really special.”

This concert is free, and no booking is required. A retiring collection will take place, which will all go to the cathedral’s Music Foundation.

For the latest information about Salford Cathedral’s Music Foundation, subscribe to our Music Newsletter here.

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