Day Retreat Programme: Intro to Christian Meditation
Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella's, Brownedge Road, Lostock Hall, PR5 5AASaturday 10th February 2024
Our regular day retreat programme is continuing into 2024, taking place at Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella’s, Lostock Hall.
The first retreat of the year is on Saturday 10th February. It is called an “Intro to Christian Meditation” and will explore the contemplative tradition, with a particular focus on Fr John Main’s teaching.
The programme is led by Donna Worthington – an experienced retreat leader – and invites people across the diocese to come together to learn more about our faith through the study of scripture, prayer, and other religious texts. Every session explores a different theme.
It starts 11.30am and finishes at 3pm, costing £20 to attend per session.
Places are limited, so please do book ahead by contacting the parish office on 01772 335387 or email office@saintgerards.org.uk.