Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary
Saturday 28th March 2020This weekend will see Catholics around England and Wales taking part in a rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary. Despite the current situation around Covid-19 meaning that some arrangements have had to be adapted, we can all still play our part in the Rededication. Our personal dedication can make us a part of the renewal of this nation, drawing ourselves closer to the will of our loving God, through Mary.
In 1381, England was dedicated to Mary by King Richard II and was ‘set apart for her among the nations. This year, the Christians of England are called to make a personal dedication to Mary, taking up her example as Christ’s first disciple.
History shows us that when the people pray a surrender to God’s will for their lives, society is transformed.
Below, you can watch a video in which Bishop John explains the importance of Mary, the untier of knots.
In the current situation, it is clear that we will not be able to come together to make The Rededication as originally planned. But as this is a personal act, we are able to make the The Rededication at home and still be united together in prayer.
You can share your thoughts, photographs and reflections on social media by using the hashtag #RededicationAtHome.
You can access a series of videos made by Behold 2020 which offer an insight into why the Rededication is so important. You can find these here.
We are all invited to pray for the Rededication using the Angelus Promise. The Angelus Promise is a spiritual exercise created to assist you to embrace the message of Our Lady, as expressed in the Angelus. It invites you to “share in the joy of the Annunciation” by following Mary’s openness to God’s call, through her faith-filled “yes”. Through your own faith-filled “yes”, the Lord will work wonders in your life.
The Act of Entrustment of England to The Virgin Mary is a prayer of profoundly historic and spiritual nature. Bringing together the prayers of surrender and dedication that have echoed through our history.
The Act of Entrustment can be found here.
A Rededication service at Walsingham will be livestreamed to the nation on Sunday 29th at 12nn. You can take part and watch this on the Walsingham website.
In our diocese, St James and All Souls, Salford, will be livestreaming their Rededication service at the same time on Periscope, which you can access here.
Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the Promises of Christ.

Tagged | Around the Diocese | Catholic Church