Celebrating the ordination of Fr Luke
Saturday 28th September 2024A beautiful celebration of love and service was witnessed by people across the diocese as we marked the ordination of a new diocesan priest.
On Saturday 28 September, hundreds of people gathered at St Patrick’s Church, Collyhurst, to witness the priestly ordination of Luke Bradbury.
Clergy from right across the diocese and beyond joined Bishop John in welcoming their new brother priest, as friends, family, and parishioners from St Bernard’s, Burnage – where Fr Luke has been serving as a deacon – came to celebrate to this joyful occasion.
We were also delighted to welcome Canon Michael Dolman, Rector of St Mary’s College, Oscott, who presented Fr Luke to Bishop John.
Bishop John welcomed Fr Luke in his homily with a message of heartfelt gratitude, thanking Fr Luke for his “generosity in answering the Lord’s call to ordination to sacred priesthood.”
He continued by reflecting on the mission of a priest in the modern world; acknowledging that priesthood was a “point of arrival, not a destination” that required continual formation to adapt to an ever-changing ministry.
Bishop John noted that, today, parish priests need to be in three places at once.
First and foremost, imitating Christ, the Good Shepherd, priests must be true spiritual leaders of the community, bringing people closer to the Lord in the joys, sadnesses, and normality of everyday life.
Secondly, they must be the heart of the different parishes they will serve throughout their ministry; recognising that each parish – and each person – is different. Priests belong to their people and they must reflect the spirit of the community, its challenges and blessings.
Finally, priests must be “round the back, making sure no one is left behind.” In a world that is becoming ever more secular, our priests must be ever watchful of their flock and always welcoming and Christ-like to people beyond the pews.
The ceremony continued with Fr Luke making a promise of obedience, before prostrating himself before the altar as a sign of his total dependence on God, the Almighty.
This was followed by a powerful moment of prayer as all those gathered joined their prayers with the hosts of heaven in the Litany of the Saints and Bishop John prayed the Prayer of Consecration.
Fr Luke was then vested by Fr Shaun K Braiden and presented with a paten and chalice before Bishop John led all priests in the traditional sign of welcome.
Now, Fr Luke returns to the parish of St Bernard’s, in Burnage, where he will continue his service as priest.
We wish Fr Luke the very best as he takes up his ministry and invite you to please remember him in your prayers.
In addition, we pray also for the future of the priesthood in our diocese, that more men may hear and answer God’s call to priestly life.
To find out more about the priesthood in our diocese, or to speak to a member of our vocations team, please click here.

Tagged | Bishop John | Diocese | Vocations