Designated Churches

This Year of Jubilee officially begins on Christmas Eve with the opening of the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica. Holy Doors are one of the most characteristic signs of the Jubilee, inviting pilgrims to walk through as a reminder of this text from John 10:9-10: “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pastures.” It is an invitation to express our desire to follow Christ, the Good Shepherd.

This Jubilee Year, four Holy Doors will be in situ across the City of Rome but Dioceses across the world will have Designated Churches to offer pilgrims that same experience right on their doorstep.

Bishop John has appointed six churches across the Diocese, in addition to the Cathedral’s temporary church, to be Designated Churches for the Jubilee Year.

Please see below for information on Mass times and opportunities to visit. Please be aware that the above times are subject to change in order to accommodate the needs of the parish. We ask you to please contact the parish office, using the details provided, for updated information ahead of your visit.

Opening Times for Private Prayer: Mon-Fri, 12 noon – 3pm

By appointment only. Please get in touch using the information below.

Mass Times: Mon-Fri 9.30am; Sat 7pm (Vigil); Sun 9.30am & 6.30pm

Confessions: Sat 6.15-6.45pm

Contact: Call 01772 335168 or email

Opening Times for Private Prayer: By appointment only. Please get in touch using the information below.

Mass Times: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat at 9.30am; Fri at 12 noon; Sat 6.30pm (Vigil); Sun 10am (Adoration 30 mins before Mass on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri)

Confessions (with Adoration): Fri 11.30am-11.55am and Sat 10.30am – 11.30am

Contact: Call 01282 422007 or email

Opening Times for Private Prayer: Wed – Sat, 8am – 5pm

Mass Times: Wed-Sat at 12noon; Sat (Vigil) at 6.30pm, Sun at 9am & 11.15am

Confessions: Sat at 11am-11.30am and 5.45pm-6.15pm and by appointment.

Contact: Call 01254 241211 or email

Opening Times for Private Prayer: 8am – 6pm

Mass Times: Tues & Weds at 9am; Thurs at 7.30pm; Fri and Sat at 12 noon; Sun at 9.30am.

Adoration: Tues/ Weds 9.30-10.30am; Thurs 6.30-7.30pm; Fri & Sat 11am-12 noon; Sun 12 noon-1pm

Confessions: Thurs at 6.30pm – 7.15pm; Sat at 11am – 11.45am and on request.

Contact: 01204 572077 or email

Opening Times for Private Prayer: 9am – 3pm

Mass Times: Tues, Weds, Fri at 8am; Sat at 5.30pm (Vigil); Sunday at 11am

Confessions: Saturday at 4.30pm – 5pm Benediction: Sat 5.15pm

As St Peter’s is part of the Stonyhurst Campus, visitors need to buzz in at the gate and state that they are visiting the church. Access is not permitted to the school or school grounds. Unfortunately, we are unable to cater for group visits. Toilet facilities can only be accessed during services.

Contact: Call 01254 826268 or email

Open: 9.30am (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat); 8.30am (Sunday)

Closes: 4pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri); 7.30pm (Wednesday); after 5.15pm Mass on Saturday; after 12 noon Mass on Sunday

Mass Times: Mon-Fri at 12.30pm; Wednesday at 6pm; Saturday at 12 noon and 5.15pm (Vigil); Sunday at 10am & 12 noon

Confessions: Mon-Fri 11am-11.50am; Wednesday 5pm-5.45pm; Sat 10am-11.15am; Sun 9am-9.45am. Adoration: Mon-Fri 11am-12.25pm; Weds 5-5.45pm & 6.30-7.15pm; Sat 10-11.55am & 4-5pm; Sun 9am-9.45am.

Contact: Call 0161 834 3547 or email

Pilgrim Passport

Create new family traditions this Jubilee Year with our Pilgrim Passport. This family-friendly guide to all six of our designated churches includes a range of facts, activities, and prayers for you to explore together as a family, while charting your progress by collecting stamps for each of our churches.

Simply visit one of our designated churches from January 2025 to pick up a
copy and begin.

Click here to print your own copy