Monthly E Newsletter

Wednesday 6th December 2017

Following on from the launch of the new diocesan website, there is now a monthly e-newsletter.

In his introduction to the newsletter Bishop John said:

I hope you find the content interesting and informative.
This newsletter will provide a forum for news of events and projects throughout the Diocese; connecting individuals, parish communities and organisations. It will provide a central space for information. It will, I hope, help us all to develop our sense of mission and encourage us all in our vocation and calling as missionary disciples
The newsletter will be sent monthly and I intend to contribute an introduction to each edition. I hope that you enjoy reading about all the varied events and activities around the Diocese and that we can all benefit from learning from each other and sharing best practice.

You can sign up to the e-newsletter on the home page and you can read the first edition of the newsletter here

Do you have some good news to share?

We would like to encourage all readers to send in items for the e-News and website about events in parishes and schools and general good news about people in the diocese.

There is so much good news across the diocese so share it with us so we can share it with others.

Please e-mail all news items for consideration

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